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What is the most important thing you would like to be able to do that will make 2018 the most happy and successful year for you?

New Year always feels like a good time for a fresh start, a good time to start working towards a bright new future. So here are some motivational ideas to help you improve your mindset and to start create the successful life you’d like to be living:-

Close your eyes and really think about what you’d like to achieve and why it’s important to you. Imagine being yourself at a time in the future when you’ve achieved your goals. Step into this future you – what will it feel like to be this best possible version of yourself? what will you be doing differently and what will you be doing that you currently aren’t? how will you be thinking differently? notice how the people around you might be responding to you differently? now step outside and be one of those people and see yourself as others might and notice all of the ways you’re looking better.

Download my Goal Setting Exercise (see below). Make some time, perhaps grab a cup of tea and sit and complete the task and really think about your goals and break them down into small realistic chunks. Put the completed sheet in a place where you’ll be reminded of it regularly. People are more likely to stick to their goals if they’ve shared their ideas with someone else – consider sharing it with someone.

Most people who repeatedly fail at achieving their goals have a little voice somewhere inside telling them that they don’t deserve to succeed or they’re not able to do it. This is often learned from past experiences which keep them locked into old patterns of behaviour – “I’ll fail because I’ve always failed in the past”. It’s important for you to know that by changing your mindset those patterns of behaviour can be changed into “I can and I will succeed”.

Please contact me for a completely free 30 minute telephone consultation without any obligation to explore how I may be able to help you.

I wish you a very Happy and Successful New Year.

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