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Cognitive Hypnotherapy



How to stop eating too much food with hypnotherapy. Are you addicted to chocolate, burgers sweets or cola? Hypnotherapist Laurie Harvey can help at her Moorgate London and Godalming Surrey clinics.
If you're struggling with an addiction, I can help you break free from the cycle of negative thoughts and behaviours using Cognitive Hypnotherapy which is a powerful evidence based approach.
I use proven techniques to help my clients reprogramme their unconscious minds and overcome the challenges that are holding them back.
Together, we can work towards a happier, healthier you.
Addiction can be described as "Any behaviour you continue to do despite the fact that it brings negative consequences in to your life" (Tommy Rosen).
Addiction is not an illness. It's not a physical, organic thing. Addiction is a  consequence of learned experience and repetitions of patterns" (Dr.Bruce Lipton).
We can become addicted to anything that stops emotional or physical pain and instead makes us feel better. 
When we eat, shop, drink alcohol, play games, scroll on social media, our natural survival brain releases feel good neurotransmitters (dopamine) into our body to reward us and make us feel good in the short term.
Processed Foods that are high in sugar and fat have a particularly powerful effect on the neurotransmitters which affect our biochemistry and control our unconscious behaviour.
Any of these behaviours can cause problems and can lead to cycles of low self-esteem and lack of confidence which can then be temporarily "fixed" by repeating the addictive behaviour.
I'm a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and confidence expert who is working with people who want to learn techniques to take back control of their addictive habits.
You can contact me to learn more about how Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help with addictions by completing the form below.


My treatment rooms are located at Luck's Yard in Milford and Surrey Holistic Ltd Godalming

 or you may wish to choose online therapy via Zoom




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